Joseph J. Piatt. Comments on the Waukesha Application for Great Lakes Water. Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Governors and Premiers, Public Hearing, Waukesha, Wisconsin, February 18, 2016.
NSF FEWS Workshop Report (#CHE-1541860). Food, Energy, and Water Systems Challenging Chemists and Chemical Engineers. National Science Foundation Workshop, Arlington, VA, October 13-15, 2015. Report co-authored by workshop participants. Invitation only.
Joseph J. Piatt and Erica M. Patterson. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in onsite waste treatment systems in Waukesha County. Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research, 2014, 13(3), 55-59.
Great Lakes Beach Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, November 12-14, 2014. Todd R. Miller, Chelsea Weirich, Mary Seaman, Lucas Beversdorf, Sarah Bartlett, Sheila Marton, and Joseph J. Piatt. “High- Resolution Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Lake Michigan and Comparison to Microbial Indicators.”
247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 16-20, 2014. Joseph J. Piatt, Kristine Multerer, Alexis Bean. “Contaminant transport in porous media: Making connections to chromatography.” CHED paper #136.
241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 27-30, 2011. Kevin McMahon, Greg Marks, Michael Schuder, and Joseph J. Piatt. “Glasgow and Nottingham - A Tale of two cities: Carroll University pilots a new international undergraduate research program.” CHED paper #124.
WGWA Annual Meeting, Waukesha, Wisconsin, March 19, 2010. Joseph J. Piatt. "Pharmaceuticals in Waukesha County: Surface water and ground water analysis.” INVITED.
V. Klump, T. Miller, J. Piatt, T. Vargo, and C. Nenn. May 4, 2016. “Citizens of the Rivers and Lake Monitoring Program.” Submitted to the Fund for Lake Michigan (FFLM). Funded for $59,600.
Kent Molter, Joseph J. Piatt, K. McMahon, and M. Schuder. August, 2015. “Carroll University CREATE Program.” Submitted to the NSF-IRES Program, #1559240. Funded for $250,000.